Wednesday, May 6, 2020

School Security Issues And Outcomes - 1055 Words

School Security Issues and Outcomes Brenda Colon-Santos ¬Ã‚ ¬ University of Central Florida Abstract This paper explores security issues among every school in the nation. Although, several schools have taken steps to make their school safer. Some fear that it is not enough, while others feel they have done too much. Most schools have enforced stricter polices such as dress codes. While others have encouraged teachers to carry handguns in schools. There has been a lot of national debate on camera systems, metal detectors, alarm devices, security training, access control, and security officers. This paper will begin with camera systems. How effective are the systems and if it can be improved? This paper will provide the positive and negative results of having a camera system. Then proceed with concerns that have to do with metal detectors and alarm devices along with information on access control and security training. Lastly, it will explain the benefits of having security officers at school grounds. School Security Issues and Outcomes School safety is an issue that has been concerning the nation for many years. Due to acts of violence, such as the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Connecticut. Many fears that what was once viewed as a safe place no longer is. Many Schools use different policies and standard to secure the safety of their students, faculty, and staff. The measures that schools are taking to reduce school violence and increaseShow MoreRelatedTeacher1181 Words   |  5 PagesOut with the Old in with the New Education is the single most important factor in not only an individual’s life and their outcome for success, but also the outcome of future success in America. In order for our country to be successful we must invest in our future generations and the training they will need once they move on to their future endeavors. 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