Sunday, December 29, 2019

Globalization Is A Complex Phenomenon - 3186 Words

1.0 Introduction In the current world especially in the third world countries, over a billion people are living in acute poverty having below one dollar per day at their disposal to survive on. In the last 20 years, global flows of capital, goods, services, information and labor has grown in volume and accelerated considerably. A fervent criticism on corporate behavior and the failure of politics, have accused the process of globalization of worsening existing global inequalities and being responsible for growing levels of poverty. Globalization has not benefited majority of people in the Third World in spite of various development programs and global human rights tools. In essence, globalization is a complex phenomenon that brings new forms of social relations whilst at the same time maintaining the old approaches of capitalist development. The Third World countries are the main losers in the acceleration of globalization as compared to the developed states like West. 1.1 Globalization Globalization is defined as an integration of economy, finance, trade, and communications from a world-wide perspective, so as to establish an efficient economy on global basis. Globalization is the process of global integration cropping up from the exchange of world views, products, thoughts and other features of culture. Progress in transportation and telecommunications infrastructure, including the increase of the telegraph and its posterity the Internet, are the main globalizationShow MoreRelatedGlobalization Is A Very Complex Phenomenon2152 Words   |  9 PagesIntroduction Globalisation is a very complex phenomenon. It is a synthetic expression of a large variety of social, economic, and technological factors. Its concept of impact and measurement is not universal, but vary according to specific interests. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Thesis On Computer Science Engineering - 9162 Words

BOTNET FRAMEWORK A Thesis Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree Of MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY In Computer Science Engineering By CHANCHAL AHLAWAT (Enrollment no: 21341314013) Under the Supervision of Mr. ANCHIT BIJALWAN Uttaranchal University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand) To the Faculty of Computer Science Engineering UTTARANCHAL UNIVERSITY DEHRADUN May, 2015 CERTIFICATE Certified that Chanachal Ahlawat (21341314001), has carried out the research work presented in this thesis entitled BOTNET FRAMEWORK for the award of Master of Technology from Uttaranchal University, Dehradun under my supervision. The thesis embodies results of original work, and studies are carried out by the student herself and the contents of the thesis do not form the basis for the award of any other degree to the candidate or to anybody else from this or any other University/Institution. (Mr. AnchitBijalwan) Associate Professor Uttaranchal University Dehradun, (Uttarakhand) Date: ABSTRACT Botnets are emerging as the most significant threat facing online ecosystems and computing assets. They also pose a significant and growing threat against cyber security as they provide distributed platform for manyShow MoreRelatedMaster Of Science Degree Programs1502 Words   |  7 PagesMaster of Science Degree Programs This entry gives a general overview of online Master of Science programs, then specifically examines programs in high demand and those offered in accelerated formats. Next, the entry focuses on information students need to succeed in M.S. programs: how to find the right program, and a major problem that they will likely face during online matriculation. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Discuss the global roles and responsibilities of a newly qualified nurse Free Essays

string(425) " and administration of a description or class of prescription only medicine†¦ or a written direction relating to the administration of a description or class of description only medicine, and which in the case of either is signed by a doctor†¦ and by a pharmacist; and relates to the supply and administration, or to administration, to persons generally \(subject to any exclusions which may be set out in the Direction\)\." Introduction The aim of this assignment is to discuss the global roles and responsibilities of the newly qualified nurse. The exercise will begin by briefly looking at the transition from student to nurse and thereafter outlining the basic roles of the newly qualified nurse and try to fit them into appropriate professional skills. In addition, there will be a critical examination of two roles in more detail with one of them focusing on Patient Group Directions (PGD), and justify their importance. We will write a custom essay sample on Discuss the global roles and responsibilities of a newly qualified nurse or any similar topic only for you Order Now We will then look at some legal, professional and ethical considerations before making a conclusion on the future role development of the nurse. The NMC require a student nurse to demonstrate professional and ethical practice, be competent in care delivery and care management, and show personal and professional development in order to join the register (NMC, 2010). On becoming a qualified nurse, the expectations and dynamics of relationships changes fundamentally. Suddenly the newly qualified nurse is the one who must ‘know the answer’, whether it is a query from a patient, a carer, a work colleague or a student. The newly qualified nurse will encounter many challenging situations where she or he must lead care delivery. This includes dealing with care management within the team, dealing with patients/service users, dealing with other professionals, and dealing with the required needs of the whole workplace environment. These changes require a large shift from the experience of being a student and a mentored supervised learner, so it is essential that one is equipped with all the skills required to successfully make the transition. The newly qualified nurse must demonstrate they are fit to enter the NMC register and therefore be eligible to practice as a qualified nurse. In all cases, the newly qualified nurse is seen as: Provider of care Educator Counsellor Collaborator Researcher Change Agent Patient Advocate Manager The above are typically the roles of a newly qualified nurse which can be compressed into the NMC professional skills requirements listed below: Maintaining standards of care Making ethical and legal decisions Being accountable Teamworking Teaching others Being in charge. It is recognized that there is a certain amount of overlap in these professional skills and that some concepts cross all of them, in that there are no clear lines drawn where one skill ends and another starts. For the purpose of this analysis, we will look at the issue of making ethical and legal decisions and the Patient Group Direction. Decisions and actions are taken by nurses in the course of day-to-day practice. One would not usually consider each of the skills or concepts in isolation in relation to particular incidents but would make a decision based on the factors contributing to the situation. However, when analysing any situation, in the decisions made and the actions taken, some of the individual conceptual principles may be recognized and highlighted. For example, asking a member of staff to complete a task on your behalf is delegating. This fits neatly into leadership theory and also relates to aspects of accountability. Completing a health and safety audit in the work environment might relate to management theory and responsibility taken on. Completing a review of an individual’s care and setting goals for them in multidisciplinary meetings might relate to team working theory. Reporting of poor practices or environments might relate to aspects of accountability and maintaining standards of care. However, all of the above aspects could arise from analysing one situation where the nurse has to make decisions about a certain aspect of care management thus emphasizing the great importance of making ethical and legal decisions. DECISION MAKING PROCESS Nurses are problem solvers who use the nursing process as their tool. The chief goal of ethical decision-making process is to determine right and wrong in situations where clear demarcations are not apparent, and then search for the best answer. For a newly qualified nurse, the following will be a guide to making ethical decisions: State the Dilemma – State dilemma clearly, determine whether the problem/decision involves the nurse or only the patient, focus attention on ethical principles and follow the client’s wishes first while considering the family input in case of unconsciousness. Collect and Analyze Data – Know client’s and family’s wishes and all information about the problem. Keep abreast of any up to date legal and ethical issues; which may also overlap. Consider Choices of Action – Most ethical dilemmas have multiple solutions, some of which are more feasible than others. The more options that are identified, the more likely it is that an acceptable solution can be identified. It may require input from outside sources and other professionals such as Social workers etc. Make the Decision – The most difficult part of the process is making the decision, following through with the action, and then living with the consequences. Ethical dilemmas produce differences of opinion and not every one is pleased with the decision but it must be emphasized that client’s wishes always supercede the decision by health care providers but ideally, a collaborative decision is made by client, family, doctor and nurse thus producing fewer complications. Act – Once a course of action has been determined, the decision must be carried out. Implementing the decision usually involves collaboration with others. Evaluate – Unexpected outcomes are common in crisis situations that result in ethical dilemmas. It is important for decision makers to determine the impact an immediate decision may have on future ones. It is also important to consider whether a different course of action might have resulted in a better outcome. If the outcome accomplished its purpose, the ethical dilemma should be resolved and if the dilemma has not been resolved, additional deliberation is needed. Patient Group Direction (PGD) The legislation (Statutory Instrument, 200a) states that ‘Patient Group Direction means – in connection with the supply of a prescription only medicine†¦ a written direction relating to the supply and administration of a description or class of prescription only medicine†¦ or a written direction relating to the administration of a description or class of description only medicine, and which in the case of either is signed by a doctor†¦ and by a pharmacist; and relates to the supply and administration, or to administration, to persons generally (subject to any exclusions which may be set out in the Direction). You read "Discuss the global roles and responsibilities of a newly qualified nurse" in category "Essay examples"’ In practice this means that a PGD, signed by a doctor and agreed by a pharmacist, can act as a direction to a nurse to supply and/or administer prescription-only medicines (POMs) to patients using their own assessment of patient need, without necessarily referring back to a doctor for an individual prescription. When can PGDs be used? The law is clear that the majority of care should be provided on an individual, patient-specific basis, and that the supply and administration of medicines under PGDs should be reserved for those situations where this offers an advantage for patient care (without compromising safety), and where it is consistent with appropriate professional relationships and accountability. The RCN interprets this to mean that PGDs should only be used to supply and/or administer POMs to homogeneous patient groups where presenting characteristics and requirements are sufficiently consistent for them to be included in the PGD e.g. infants and children requiring immunisation as part of a national programme. Which POMs can be supplied or administered under a PGD? PGDs can be used to supply and administer a wide range of POMs although there are currently legislative and ‘good practice’ restrictions in relation to controlled drugs, antimicrobials and black triangle drugs. Controlled drugs – The use of controlled drugs continues to be regulated under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and associated regulations made under that Act. The Home Office has agreed to allow the supply and administration of substances on Schedule 4 (with the exclusion of anabolic steroids) and all substances on schedule 5 to be included in PGDs. Antimicrobials – can be included within a PGD but consideration must be given to the risk of increased resistance within the general community. When seeking to draw up a PGD for antimicrobials, a local microbiologist should be involved and approval sought from the drug and therapeutics committee or equivalent. Black triangle drugs and medicines used outside the terms of the Summary of Product Characteristics Black triangle drugs (i.e. those recently licensed and subject to special reporting arrangements for adverse reactions) and medicines used outside the terms of the Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) – sometimes called ‘off label use’ (for example, as used in some areas of specialist paediatric care) may be included in PGDs. Their use should be exceptional and justified by best clinical practice, and a direction should clearly describe the status of the products. How should PGDs be drawn up? The law (Statutory Instrument, 2000a) requires that PGDs should be drawn up by a pharmacist and the doctor who works with the nurses who will be using them. The relevant health authority should also ratify the PGD. In England, when PGDs are developed locally, HSC 2000/026 (NHSE, 2000) requires that a senior doctor and a senior pharmacist sign them off with authorisation from the appropriate health organisation, i.e. the trust, and that all nurses using the directions are specifically named within the PGD and signed by them. The RCN acknowledges this as good practice and recommends the following steps be taken throughout the UK. The NMC Standards for Medicines Management (2007) state that ‘the administration of drugs via PGD’s may not be delegated and students cannot supply or administer under a PGD. Students would however be expected to understand the principles and be involved in the process’ (NMC 2007). Failure to ascertain that a PGD is the most appropriate route can lead to waste of valuable time and resource and place increased risk on delivery and quality of patient care. Anyone involved with PGDs (whether developing, authorising or practising under them) should understand the scope and limitations of PGDs as well as the wider context into which they fit to ensure safe, effective services for patients. Any extension to professional roles with regard to administration and supply of medicines must take into account the need to protect patient safety, ensure continuity of care and safeguard patient choice and convenience. It also has to be cost effective and bring demonstrable benefits to patient care. Any practice requiring a PGD that fails to comply with the criteria falls outside of the Law and could result in criminal prosecution under the Medicines Act. With regard to the written instruction required for the supply and administration of medicines by non-professionals, Medicines Matters (2006) (3) clarifies that a suitably trained non-professional member of staff can only administer medicines under a Patient Specific Direction (PSD). Medicine Matters (2006) states that: â€Å"Patient Specific Direction is the traditional written instruction, from a doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist independent prescriber, for medicines to be supplied or administered to a named patient. The majority of medicines are still supplied or administered using this process.† There is nothing in legislation to prevent PSDs being used to administer medicines to several named patients e.g. on a clinic list. PSDs are a direct instruction and therefore do not require an assessment of the patient by the health care professional instructed to supply or administer the medicine. Pharmacy Only (P) and General Sales List (GSL) Medicines Medicines legislation states that a PGD is not required to administer a P or GSL medicine. The use of a simple protocol is advisable for best practice and from a governance perspective. All medicines administered must be recorded in the patient’s medical record. Where a GSL medicine is to be supplied it must be taken from lockable premises and supplied in a pre-pack which is fully labelled and meets the GSL requirements. A PGD will be necessary for the supply of P medicines by anyone other than a registered pharmacist. Recommend further advice to be sought from a pharmacist. (Ref: NPC PGDs 2004). For safe administration of drugs, the newly qualified nurse must give the right dose of the right drug to the right patient in the right route at the right time. When giving medications, the nurse needs to be aware of possible interactions between the patient’s different drugs. It is the nurse’s responsibility to protect the patient from harm. If they think the wrong drug or the wrong dose has been ordered, they must ask for help from the nurse or the doctor in charge. The newly qualified nurse needs to know the doses of the drug which are safe to administer. Sometimes the pharmacy gives out drugs in grams when the order specifies milligrams, or the other way around. They need to know how to convert these. It is important to know what types of dilemmas newly qualified nurses may face during their careers and how they may deal with it. It is also important for nurses to understand what malpractice is and how they may protect themselves from a malpractice suit. Firstly, it is important to understand the difference between law and ethics. Ethics examines the values and actions of people. Often times, there is no one right course of action when one is faced with an ethical dilemma. On the other hand, laws are binding rules of conduct. When laws are broken, it is punishable by an authority. There are four types of situations that pertain to law and ethics. The first would be an action that is both legal and ethical. An example of this would be a nurse carrying out appropriate doctor’s orders as ordered. A nurse may also be faced with an action that may be ethical but not legal, such as allowing a cancer patient to smoke marijuana for medicinal purposes. The opposite may arise where an action may be legal but not ethical. Finally, an action may be neither legal nor ethical. For example, when a nurse makes a medication error and does not take responsibility to report to it appropriately. The right of service users to expect practitioners to act in their best interests is reinforced by professional codes of conduct and legislation such as the Mental Health Act. It is also reflected in equality of opportunity legislations such as the Sex Discrimination Act and the Race Relation Act, which aim to ensure that everybody has equal access to and is offered equal care by health and social care service. Patient’s right to confidentiality under statutory duties is stipulated in the Data Protection Act, Article 8 European Convention of Human Rights, Access to Personal Files Act 1987 and Access to Health Record Acts 1990. The code does require that nurses must disclose information if they believe someone may be at risk of harm in line with the law. As a nurse, respecting autonomy means you must effectively communicate with patients, be truthful, enable patients to make decisions freely, provide appropriate information and accept the patient’s preferences. Legally, patients must be given enough information to make a balanced judgement however we must be aware that if nurses fail to comply with the legal duty of disclosure, they could face a negligence claim. However, under the principle of therapeutic privilege they can legally withhold information that they think will harm the patient Some patients whether children or adults are unable either to make or to communicate their decisions therefore they lack (or have limited) capacity. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 that create and clarifies the common law on consent in England and Wales, affects everyone aged 16 and over, and provides a statutory framework to empower and protect people who may not be able to make some decisions for themselves. The moral justifications for acting without consent are the principles of beneficence (the duty to do good) and non-maleficence (the duty to do no harm). Paternalism is overriding someone’s autonomy because you think it is for their own good. However, it is justifiable if we can demonstrate that the patient is at risk of significant, preventable harm, or the action will probably prevent the harm, or the patient’s capacity for rational reflection is either absent or significantly impaired, or at a later time, it can be assumed that the patient will approve of the decision taken on his/her behalf, or the benefits to the patient of intervention outweigh the risks. Also, we live in a society where demands for accountability and taking responsibility are so commonplace that pinning the blame on someone or something has become almost a fad. The NHS’ culture of blame has developed basically because no one wants to be accountable or responsible for actions or omissions hence there are no longer any accidents or mistakes. Principles of beneficence and non-maleficence underpin the concept of fault – which lies at the heart of negligence law. Beneficence means that you must act in ways that benefit others (i.e. duty to care), and Non-maleficence means that you have a duty not to harm others nor subject them to risk of harm. Every nursing intervention that aims to benefit patients may at the same time also harm them. Sometimes the harm will be unavoidable or even intentional and at other times it can be unintentional and unexpected, therefore it is appropriate to think about the principles of non-maleficence and beneficence together in order to balance harm and benefits against each other. We can resolve this problem responsibility and accountability. These words are sometimes used interchangeably because they do overlap but in actual fact they do not mean the same thing. Being responsible can mean that it is your job or role to deal with something and/or that you have caused something to happen. Accountability on the other hand is about justifying your action or omissions and establishing whether there are good enough reasons for acting in the way you did. Even where the newly qualified nurse delegate tasks to others, such as nursing auxiliaries or care assistants she/he is accountable to the patients through a duty of care, underpinned by a common-law duty to promote safety and efficiency, and legal responsibility through civil law, the employer as defined by your contract of employment, the profession as stated in the relevant codes of conduct and the public. Conclusion All newly qualified nurses were faced with assumptions from others that they should ‘know everything’. This was also a high expectation they had of themselves. In meeting the NMC standards of proficiency the nurse should have demonstrated the relevant knowledge and skills in order to practise in their relevant specialized fields. However, it is important to recognize that not every nurse knows everything about everything in their field, especially if they are practising in highly specialized fields. What they need is to be able to develop and adapt to changing situations. Therefore, for the nurse it is impossible to know everything, but they should have developed the skills to find out relevant information, reflect on it, and apply this to their practice. In essence they should have learned how to learn. There is a great deal to be learned once qualified, especially related to a nurse’s ‘new’ area of work and a good deal of the development needs to ta ke place ‘on the job’. References: Bach, S. Grant, A., 2009. Communication Interpersonal Skills for Nurses. Exeter: Learning Matters Ltd. Chitty, K. K., 2001. Professional Nursing: concepts challenges. 3rd ed. Pennsylvania: W. B. Saunders Company. Davis, M., 1988. Managing Care – Teaching Nurses Workbook. London: DLC South Bank Polytechnic. Dimond, B., 2008. Legal Aspects of Nursing. 5th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. Dimond, B., 2009. Legal Aspects of Consent. 2nd ed. London: MA Healthcare Limited. Lancaster, J. Lancaster, W., 1982. The nurse as a change agent. Missouri: The C.V. Mosby Company. Nursing Midwifery Council, 2010. Standards for medicine management. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council. Nursing Midwifery Council, 2010. The Code. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council. Nursing and Midwifery Council (2010). Competencies for entry to the register (Online). Available at (Accessed March 18, 2011). Royal College of Nursing (2006). Patient Group Directions: Guidance and Information for Nurses. Londoon: RCN How to cite Discuss the global roles and responsibilities of a newly qualified nurse, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Provision Australia Governing Legal Mattersâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Provision Australia Governing Legal Matters? Answer: Introducation In the provision of Australia, there are certain common laws available that are governing the legal matters. There are certain laws deals with contract related matters. In the present case, there is a provision based on tender work (Alexander and Merkert 2017). In a business country like Australia, tender is a common process. Tendering process is observed in private as well as public sector. It is used to procure the goods and services within the continent of Australia (Bailey, 2014). It is a fact that in the tendering process, certain provisions of the contract law is being followed up. However, through the tendering process, no legal relationship is being created within the principle and the tender holder. In the process of tendering, there is a lack of interest shown in between the parties because of the absence of legal relationship (Cartwright 2016). In the present case, the university has demanded for certain specified seeds. The company has conducted a tendering process regarding the same. In case of tender, there are certain proceedings should be maintained (Goodall 2015). In case of tender, closing dates are important. Here, it has been observed that the University has mentioned a closing date for the tender and there are three companies, who are applied for the same. The closing date of the tender was 1 June and there was a rule that the tender application must be gone in the tender box. Among the three companies, two companys letter was put in the tender box. However, the application of another company named Enviro was submitted on early basis (Keyes 2017). As per the provision of law, when there is an offer is made for a certain subject and the same be accepted by the other party, there will be a contract in between two rose. The contracting parties must be competent to make the agreement and the eligibility of the parties should not be restricted by any of the provision of the Contract Act (Lam and Lee 2014). The parties should have certain intention to participate in the bid. However, the most important thing regarding the bid or tender is it should be treated as an invitation and not creates any contract thereby. In Pratt Contractor Limited v. Palmerston North City Council, it was held by the court that bids are only an uncomplicated request and not binding the parties in any manner. The main issue is about the contractual positions of all the parties. An offer has been made by the University and it has been observed that three companies had shown their interest in that (McKendrick 2014). There are certain essentials of contract take place, such as offer, acceptance, consideration, capability of the parties. However, an important point is to be taken place regarding the acceptance of the offer of those companies by the University. In this case, the conditions given by Plant Forever had been accepted by University but the same was failed to reach at the company. This act failed to bind the parties legally. Another element of contract is knowledge. But the acts of the parties had failed to meet this ingredient. There is a difference between tender and contract. Tender arose when there is an invitation made and it comprised of certain terms. In the other hand, contract means an agreement that is binding by law. However, in the case of Plant forever, there was no leg al relationship had been made in between the them. The tender conditions of Greenland were lowest in nature and the reputation of the company is also not good. Therefore, the University authorities had not revealed their interest towards the company. In case of the Enviro, it has been observed that the conditions of the company were attracted. There were certain problems cropped up regarding the company. First, the company had posted the tender in a wrong way and the letter of the tender was posted at an early stage. However, the University authority had somehow managed the situation but the administrative assistant had misplaced the letter and therefore, it was not possible for University to make any agreement with Enviro (Morse and Deutsch 2016). Therefore, from the above paragraphs, it is cleared that there are certain differences present in between tender and contract. It can be observed that certain invitation had been made regarding the seeds but there were no agreement made among University and three companies and no legal relationship had been made. Therefore, it can be stated that there were no contract position has ever created in this case. In Australia, there is a law enacted that are deals with the Electronic Transaction enacted in the year 1999 and the case of Footloose attracts the provision of the Act. There are certain provisions regarding the Australian Contract Act that are also applied in this particular case. In Australia, the nature of the laws is common law and the origin of the same derives from English law. In this case, there is a provision on offer and acceptance. According to the common law principle, offer is an invitation made by any competent person at any stage and there is a close distinction between offer and invitation to deal (Ready 2015). In this case, an auction had been made by the Footloose Ltd. in a local paper with certain discounts on shoes. The offer made by the company is a type of offer and the same was posted on 1st October. In the poster, there was a provision regarding the amount of the shoes and the offer made by the company attracted the terms of the tender conditions (Skeel 2014). After the offer had been made by the manufacturing company, two sales companies had accepted the offer. Under the Australian Contract Act, an acceptance can be made by three ways but there is no particular form of acceptance (Smith and Duke 2014). As per the law of England, the acceptance should be made without any coercion or undue influence. As per the statement of the case, on 2nd October, a shoe company revealed its interest against the offer and they announce their willingness regarding the offer to the Sales Manager of Footloose. The offer made by the Footloose Ltd. was public in nature. Therefore, there can be more than one acceptance regarding the same offer (Smith and Duke 2014). On 6th October, another shoe company, James Shoe accepted the offer and followed the same principle as the previous company. The Sales manager of Footloose had responded him back only and a contract made between the two. It is noteworthy that in case of any sale, there must be certain consideration and in this case, the elements of the point have been fulfilled. The consideration item and money, both are stated by the companies and both of them are agreed on it. The proposal made by James was in a written version. In the chapter of acceptance, it is clearly mentioned that an acceptance can be made in three ways among which there is a point on written version. Therefore, it can be stated that the acceptance process of James is acceptable by law. After getting the nod from the Footloose Ltd. James decided to fix a date for the final settlement with the manufacturing company and replied them back on 8th October. In this case, a chain of dates are to be seen. Agreements are made of certain proposals and that are to be consigned by the parties. After the proposal made by James, both the parties had made certain propositions and decided a final date for the contract of those tendered shoes. On 10th October they had came into the conclusion that they should meet somewhere else to finalise the matter and sign the agreement to facilitate the contractual relationship. The case has enlightened the provision of the Electronic Transaction Act 1999 as all the dealings were made by way of Fax (Swain 2014). The provision of the Act applies only where there is an electronic contract is being used. Therefore, it can be stated that the case is attracting certain provisions of the said Act. The Australian Courts are also of the view that online transactions and electronic contract are the two main contents of the Act and the same was proved in a case decision of Australian Communication of Media Authority v. Mobiligated Ltd. (2009). Therefore, from the above named paragraphs, it can be stated that the contract was made in between Footloose and James shoe. The reason behind the same is that the offer or conditions proposed by James was accepted by the shoe manufacturing company and both the parties were ready to made the contract final. A chain of dates are mentioned here in this case and that are of important in nature. Each date prescribe certain events that were attract the provision of the Contract law. Reference: Alexander, D.W. and Merkert, R., 2017. Challenges to domestic air freight in Australia: Evaluating air traffic markets with gravity modelling. Journal of Air Transport Management, 61, pp.41-52. Bailey, J., 2014.Construction Law. Crc Press. Cartwright, J., 2016. Contract law: An introduction to the English law of contract for the civil lawyer. Bloomsbury Publishing. Goodall, H., 2015. Contract gangs: race, gender and vulnerability. Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 7(3), pp.23-36. Keyes, M., 2017. Australia: Foreign Law in Australian International Litigation: Developing the Common Law. InTreatment of Foreign Law-Dynamics towards Convergence?(pp. 503-528). Springer, Cham. Lam, T.I.P. and Lee, P., 2014. A comparative study of standard contract conditions for energy performance contracting in Australia, Canada and the United States. Construction law journal. McKendrick, E., 2014. Contract law: text, cases, and materials. Oxford University Press (UK). Morse, S.C. and Deutsch, R., 2016. Tax Anti-Avoidance Law in Australia and the United States. Ready, K., 2015. Email contracts: Who, what, when and where the formation of binding agreements through email exchanges. Governance Directions, 67(10), p.620. Skeel, D.A., 2014. Corporate Governance and Social Welfare in the Common Law World. Smith, R.L. and Duke, A., 2014. Agreements and competition law in Australia.Competition and Consumer Law Journal,22, pp.54-79. Swain, W., 2014. Contract Codification in Australia: Is It Necessary, Desirable and Possible. Sydney L. Rev., 36, p.131. Vettori, S., 2016. The employment contract and the changed world of work. CRC Press. Westmore, P., 2015. What Australia post can learn from NZ's Kiwibank. News Weekly, (2943), p.24.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Last-Minute Optimization Ideas to Boost Your Easter Ecommerce Sales

By: Chris Reid, Account Manager Easter is almost here but it’s not too late to make some last-minute adjustments to your Ecommerce presence for the holiday.The Easter bunny can bring major consumer traffic to many businesses: Americans spent an estimated $16.4 billion on candy, plastic eggs and other holiday merchandise in 2015. But you don’t have to be in the marshmallow Peep business to make the most of this holiday.If you haven’t started planning already, we’ve got a few smart marketing strategies that can help you keep your customers engaged and boost sales. Run a Contest Well-timed and engaging contests can increase your exposure on social media and attract more potential customers to your website. For example – depending on your business – you could have your Facebook fans send in their best Easter photos and offer prizes in different categories: craziest Easter bonnet, most creatively decorated eggs, kids in their Easter outfits, etc. Get fans to vote for their favorite entries and you’ll collect lots of shares, likes and comments along the way.You could also run the same type of contest on Instagram and make up your own fun hashtag to go with it. Update Your Social Media Branding Incorporate a little Easter into your social media pages – spring flowers, colorful eggs, pastels, bunnies and chicks are just a few possibilities.You can also try creating an Easter-themed cover photo for your Facebook and Google+ pages. Theme Your Social Posts Not sure what to post?You can’t go wrong with a fun holiday-themed photo.Photos on Facebook receive about 104% more comments and 53% more likes than text-only posts. While you’re thinking about your social media presence, don’t forget to create a few Easter-themed blog posts if it fits with your company’s style. Bring Easter to Your Website Your company’s website offers plenty of opportunities to capitalize on the Easter season. Set up a landing page for your Easter-related products and promotions and add some fun content that will keep visitors engaged. Send a Holiday Email An easy way to sneak in some Easter marketing is to send your customers a holiday email. Create an attention-grabbing Easter-themed subject line, insert some themed graphics and add a compelling call-to-action to drive visitors to your site. Although some of these tactics require some creativity and strategy, they can generally be done fairly quickly. Utilizing ones that best work for your business will allow you to take advantage of the Easter season to boost visibility and gain new customers. Did I miss any? Let me know in the comments!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest In the decade of the 1960s there was a lot of complaints that came from the actors, directors and film enthusiasts. They clamour for a renaissance of Hollywood films. The movie industry was in a deplorable state, however, good fortune smiled on those who desperately wanted for change (Lev, 2000, p.5). In the 1960s up to the 1970s Hollywood went through a rebirth. It was known as the period of â€Å"great artistic achievement based on new freedom and widespread experimentation† (Kramer, 2005, p.1). One of the best example of â€Å"New Hollywood† is the blockbuster entitled One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. This film exemplified â€Å"New Hollywood† based on unconventional techniques seen in the way the plot, theme, visual style and even the people that worked on the project such as the director, cinematographer and actor in the lead role. It is rare for a film to enjoy both critical and commercial success (Maltby, 2003, p.180). The Cuckoos Nest movie was embraced by the critics as one of the finest examples of Hollywood excellence. It won five major Oscar awards. But more importantly the masses gave their own feedback, giving the two thumbs up sign by voting with their money as they patiently brave the elements to stand in line to buy tickets and see the movie for the second and even the third time.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This was not only beneficial to the studio but also on the main actor Jack Nicholson himself and according to one report, â€Å"By 1978, Jacks share of the Cuckoos Nest windfall grew to $15 million, becoming the kind of annuity that just kept on giving completed on a $4.4 million budget, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest became the seventh-highest grossing movie ever† (McDougal, 2008, p.200). Jack Nicholson, Milos Forman and Haskell Wexler came to Hollywood just at the right time w hen the movie industry in the United States was in the cusp of revolution. According to insiders, â€Å"The conditions for a revolution in Hollywood certainly seemed to be in place in the latter part of the sixties. There was the decaying regime: a studio system run by aging autocrats whose commitment to standardized technique and innocuous content seemed to make it impossible for genuine film artists to emerge in Hollywood† (Bernardino, 1991, p.1). Aside from that there was tremendous pressure to change. The bottomline is falling in most studios and this simply means that if it cannot produce a good movie that people will pay to watch then the golden days are over and they will have to learn how to file bankruptcy. According to film historians, â€Å"There was an external crisis: the initial challenge of television followed by the consolidation of its position as the mass medium, a situation which by the end of the sixties had led to truly alarming declines in the box offic e receipts of American movies† (Bernardino, 1991, p.1). Aside from that there were the discontented masses, the baby boomers and the educated young adults who are more than willing to break free from social restrictions (Bernardino, 1991, p.1). As a result some of the most spectacular films in Hollywood history were made such as films like The Godfather (1972); The Poseidon Adventure (1973); Jaws (1975) and Star Wars (1977) among others (King, 2002, p.46). Plot and Theme This film is a byproduct of â€Å"New Hollywood† as evidenced by the plot and theme. One writer even said, â€Å"With its narrative emphasis on institutional politics, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, reflects interestingly on the institutional structure of New Hollywood cinema itself† (Morrison, 1998, p.212).Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is seen in the courageous use of mater ial taken from a novel by Ken Kessey. It can be said that this is not the first time that a movie outfit dared to tell the story of mentally ill patients and the intriguing and sometimes frightening scenes inside a mental asylum. However, this is the firs time that a studio tackled the idea that the psychiatrists and the supposedly health experts are the villains and not the lunatics inside the mental institution. According to the author of the novel the book shows how the said institution was used not to help people but to separate those who are not willing to conform to social rules (Kesey, p.1). This was depicted so well at the end of the movie when the character played by Jack Nicholson was reduced to a â€Å"vegetable† reducing what was once a bubbly character into someone who could no longer resist the people bent to subdue him. The plot and theme of the movie is a perfect example of â€Å"New Hollywood† not only because it experimented on visual style, cinematog raphy and other elements of production but more so because the whole story of the movie talks about going against the grain. The whole film is an illustration of how Hollywood used to stifle creativity and ingenuity in the movie industry and how powerful individuals are pulling the string and everyone involved are mere puppets. â€Å"Old Hollywood† was defined using the character of nurse Ratched. The name itself is something that denotes the idea of a rat and a wretched place. A rat is understood to be a creature that cannot be trusted and can easily turn traitor because the â€Å"rat† is someone who cannot go against those in authority has to constantly obey rules and conventions. The story is a revelation of how destructive is a dictatorship and why absolute power corrupts. Movies that came out from â€Å"New Hollywood† is also a dagger aimed at the old methods enjoyed by giant studios and directors and producers who became too powerful for their own good. Th e theme and plot of the story can be summarized in one statement: â€Å"McMurphy never lets rules – or even common sense – stand in the way of good fun† (Fish, 1984, p.10). It is this desire to experience happiness and fulfilment that has inspired the producers and creators of this film. Finally, the experimentation is also evident in the creation of the plot and theme of the movie. For instance, McMurphy was depicted as the suffering saviour. He seems to be portrayed as the Messiah but at the same time he is the worst example of what a Messiah should be, this is because he is uncouth, proud, and angry (Stone, 2000, p.92). But this ability to go against the conventional way of storytelling and film making sets this film apart.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Visual Style Just like the other products of its time, One Flew Over the Cu ckoos Nest can easily represent â€Å"New Hollywood† because of its striking visual style. If one will have an overview of the movies done in the 1950s there is a sense of predictability when it comes to how the director frames the shot and what are the things that are allowed to be within the frame. One example is the way the characters are framed in the scenes using tight shots. The camera focuses intently on the face of McMurphy and so the audience can feel and experience the nuances of his gestures and mannerisms. The same thing can be said with regards to the tight shot of Nurse Ratched. The visuals provided a complex character. She is soft-spoken and yet everyone is afraid of her. Even McMurphy at one point realized that he has met his match in Nurse Ratched. It must also be pointed out that use of colour or the absence of it intensifies the meaning of its scene. The first time the audience were acquainted with Nurse Ratched she came in wearing a black coat and then whe n she was ready to get to work she was transformed into this nurse wearing all white. This played well with the drab background of the mental institution and this is a good example of how directors in this particular era are not afraid to experiment on different techniques such as the different way they depicted violence. This can be seen in the way the main character was murdered, smothered by a pillow (Horwath, Elsaesser King, 2004, p.143). Director This film is an example of â€Å"New Hollywood† because of the director on the helm of film production. Milos Forman is not American-born. This is layered with complex implications. First, he is not tied to the conventional way of doing American films. Secondly, he brought with him the techniques that he had learned in Europe. Finally, he is used to experimentation and trying out new techniques. This is why the feel of the film was different as compared to other products that came out of â€Å"Old Hollywood.† Actor The a ctor that they brought in to play the part of Randall Patrick McMurphy is no ordinary actor. He is different in the sense that Nicholson exudes this aura of rebelliousness. He is a person who does not seem willing to conform to social norms. There are other actors that can play this part convincingly well but they are actors that are easily identified with the current system.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More But by bringing in Jack Nicholson as the actor in the lead role, the audience are immediately forewarned that this fellow will tend to break the rules instead of keeping them. Nicholson was not yet an established actor groomed by the studio. Nicholson is someone who is so talented and yet does not seem to fit in according to industry standards (Conner, 2002, p.6). Nicholsons facial features, his mannerisms and his acting was just perfect for the part. It gave credibility to what he was trying to project on the silver screen. His character is desperately trying to go against traditions and norms and his superb acting allowed him to speak not only to the critiques watching the film but the ordinary people who felt that there is a need to experience freedom and not to be repressed by rules and traditions that has ensnared them for too long. Nicholsons character is the personification of the challenge posed by those who are sick and tired of the â€Å"Old Hollywood† and are willi ng to stand up against institutional bullies. A commentary on the character of R.P. McMurphy clarified why this movie exemplify â€Å"New Hollywood† and it says: â€Å"McMurphys sanity takes the ward by storm: none of the patients have met anyone like him where the other patients were timid and quiet, McMurphy is cocky and loud; where they are unable to do more than snicker, his healthy laughter shakes the walls; where they are sexually repressed, he is self-proclaimed champion lover† (Fish, 1984, p.9). Cinematographer It was not only the actor and director that exemplify the new way of doing things in the â€Å"New Hollywood† it is also the cinematographers. The best example is Haskell Wexler who was the cinematographer of the said movie. Wexler typified the radical changes that were happening within the industry because he is a cinematographer who does not compromise easily when it comes to artistic freedom (Schaefer Salvato, 1984, p.247). His desire to expe riment can be seen in the way he tried to capture the emotion of the scene using excellent camera work. One of the best example is the tight shot of Nurse Ratched as she lies on the floor after McMurphy tried to suffocate her. Uncertainty Before Success There was a tremendous degree of uncertainty when one is trying to do something for the first time. There was nothing like this movie in the history of Hollywood. If one will say that this is unprecedented, it would have been an understatement. A few days after the release here are some of the reactions from critics and moviegoers, â€Å"One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest detonated like a nuclear revelation, touching a universal nerve and elevating Jack to superstardom in the process† (McDougal, 2008, p.198). The compliments kept coming and another commentary said, â€Å"Many theatres defied the usual one-week-in, next-week-out trend and extended the film for months the movie opened in Stockholm on February 26, 1976, and didnt c lose until eleven months later† (McDougal, 2008, p.198). Conclusion It is rare for a film to enjoy both commercial and critical success. The movie One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest was able to accomplish this rare feat. The reason given is that it is the by-product of â€Å"New Hollywood† and the proof also that the movie going public is looking for something new. This film exemplified â€Å"New Hollywood† because of the theme, visual styles, actor, director and cinematographer. Together they collaborated to create something unprecedented. The result was spectacular, it is one of the films that saved Hollywood and ushered in a new era in film making. References Bernardoni, J., 1991. New Hollywood. NC: McFarland Company, Inc. Conner, F., 2002. Hollywoods Most Wanted: The Top 10 Book of Lucky Breaks,  Prima Donnas, Box Office Bombs and Other Oddities. VA: Brasseys, Inc. Fish, P., 1984. Ken Keseys One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. New York: Barrons Educational Series, Inc. Horwath, A., Elsaesser, T. and King, N., 2004. The Last Great American Picture Show: New Hollywood Cinema. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Kesey, K., 1962. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. New York: Penguin Books. King, G., 2002. New Hollywood Cinema: An Introduction. New York: I.B. Tauris. Kramer, P., 2005. The New Hollywood: From Bonnie and Clyde to Star Wars. UK: Wallflower Press. Lev, P., 2000. American Films of the 70s: Conflicting Visions. TX: University of Texas Press. Maltby, R., 2003. Hollywood Cinema. MA: Blackwell Publishing. Morrison, J., 1998. Passport to Hollywood: Hollywood Films, European Directors. New York: State University of New York Press. McDougal, D., 2008. Five Easy Decades: How Jack Nicholson Became the Biggest  Movie Star in Modern Times. New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Schaefer, D. and Salvato, L. 1984. Masters of Light: Conversations with  Contemporary Cinematographers. CA: California University Press. Stone, B., 2000. Faith and Film: Theological Themes at the Cinema. MA: Chalice Press.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Electric and magnetic fields Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Electric and magnetic fields - Essay Example In the universe, magnetism has a great importance as most of the heavenly objects are influenced by the magnetic fields. The planet earth has also a constant magnetic field around it, as the magnet has a north and south poles; the earth has also the north and south poles. These poles were being in use from many years and people find their ways and directions utilizing the earth magnetic poles. Magnetic and electric fields are utilized to generate electrical power. Similarly, electric and magnetic fields are utilized to convert the electrical energy into mechanical energy by the utilization of a motor. A field of physics is dedicated to study the electric field that is Electrostatics. Electrostatics studies the electric field in relation with the electric flux, electric potential energy, electric potential, electrostatic induction and electric dipole movement. Electric field is a vector quantity having no fixed direction and has the units of N/C (Newton per Coulombs) or V/m (Volt per meter). The field is produced due to the movement of the electrical charged particles. The movements of the charged particles produce a magnetic field. The magnetic and electric fields are such linked to each other that one influences the other. In this way, the electric fields can be described by force that a charged test particle face. The force directs the electric fields in the similar direction as that of the force (Oatley 5-27). In this perspective the idea of electromagnetism grown and referred as the field dealing with both the quantities. Magnetic field is termed to be vector; the field has a direction and magnitude. The movement of the electrical charge produces the magnetic fields (Herlach & Miura 1-65). In this way, electrical charge or the charged particles highly influence the magnetic field. Magnetic fields are much important in determining the direction on the ship along with the most modern system like GPS (Global positioning system). Changing the magnetic

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Market Strategy and Anti-Trust Regulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Market Strategy and Anti-Trust Regulation - Essay Example To be specific, the company targeted a large market through the Product Line Expansion Strategy. In explanation, the De Beers Company had an effective distribution channel and it influenced other companies to make sales through the distribution channel. This ensured that the company gained control of the product supply globally due to the consumer surplus, regardless of whether it produced the diamond. The company had an excess supply of diamond, therefore, controlling the prices of the commodity. After 1990, there were new sources of diamond in other countries that sold the product directly to the market without involving De Beers. This created a producer surplus situation and the company employed its resources to purchase diamond from the emerged sources, as a strategy to maintain its market share (Thompson, Arthur, & Strickland, p. 23). The American courts had no jurisdiction to handle De Beers’ case for defying the country’s anti-trust regulations (Guide to Antitrust Laws). The company was not accountable for the diamond in the United States as the transfer of the title to the products occurred outside the country’s boundaries. However, the De Beers Company decided to pay the penalties even through it was under no legal obligation to make the payment. The justification is that it paid the fines in order to have the ability to enter the United States market to increase its

Monday, November 18, 2019

Thesis On E-Government In Jordan Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 20000 words

Thesis On E-Government In Jordan - Dissertation Example E-government is the short form of electronic government, also known as the â€Å"e-gov† and has a number of other names in digital government, the online government, and even transformational government. E-government discusses the manner in which government makes use of the exchange of information and services that are pertinent with regards to the citizens, individual businesses, and other governmental agencies to name a few. E-government thus takes care of information and communications technology, which in this paper we will call as ICT. All these processes are carried out to ensure that there is improvement within the processes, efficiency is achieved, public services are better managed and delivered and there are plenty of tasks that are done in the right manner as far as processes of democratic governance are concerned. Thus to add to the same discussion, we see that the E-governments encompass a number of different models including the Government to Citizen, also known as the Government to Customer, Government to Business and lastly Government to Government. However, to coin the most significant of these activities that E-government does in the related scheme of things, we see that E-government increases efficiency between the tasks ensure there is convenience all around and there is a better accessibility factor related to the provision of basic public services. Hence the interaction between the private sector and that of the public sector is also improved as a result of the very same.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Clients Description And Functioning Social Work Essay

Clients Description And Functioning Social Work Essay The client is a sixteen-year-old African American female who is pregnant with her second child. The client attends junior high school. The client lives with her mother, age unknown, who is unemployed. B. Setting Peak View Behavioral Health is located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Peak View Behavioral Health is a psychiatric hospital dedicated to providing quality care to promote growth and structure for clients and families (Peak View Behavioral Health, 2012). Peak View Behavioral Health treats adults ages eighteen and older and, in January 2013, will begin to serve children ages four to seventeen. The hospitals services include acute psychiatric care, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient services, substance abuse, twenty-four hour assessment and Electroconvulsive Therapy. C. Reason for Referral The client was referred to Each One Teach One, an alternative school, by her prior public school principal. The client is pregnant with her second child and has been suspended from the public school. Adolescent pregnancy, intended or not, can have negative consequences. Common consequences of adolescent pregnancy include dropping out of high school, living in poverty, relying on public welfare, and experiencing higher levels of psychological distress, as compared to their same age peers (Stoiber, 2005). The consequences of the clients pregnancies are reflected by her situation. She has been referred to an alternative school and experiences psychological stress which impacts her relationships. The principal was aware of the clients first pregnancy, although no previous interventions were attempted. The principal suspects the client is having difficulty in her home life, although she will not disclose to the principal how she became pregnant twice. Client is not happy about the suspension from public school. Client does not understand why she is being suspended because she feels as though she has not done anything wrong. Although she is upset about the suspension from her public school, she does seem interested in the referral to the alternative school as evidenced by her accepting the referral and attending Each One Teach One. One of the highlighted strengths in the lives of African Americans is their strong educational or achievement orientation (Boyd-Franklin, 2006). Although the client is experiencing a negative social and economic environment, she appears to be motivated to better herself. The clients mother does not support the referral for client to attend the alternative school. The clients mother encourages the client not to attend school and get on the Welfare. D. Clients Description and Functioning Client is of average height and pregnant. Client attends school well groomed, e.g, hair brushed, teeth brushed, showered, and wears clothes that are clean and well-fitted. Although the client is pregnant, she is able to walk to school and walk up and down the stairs to her apartment without difficulty. Client took necessary testing precautions to be tested for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) after learning her father passed away from Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Consequently, client tested positive for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Client does not speak grammatically correct English as evidenced by client stating sentences such as I is learning, I does my work, and what this one is? Although client reports she sits in the back of the classroom, does not open a book and does not participate, clients math teacher reports client does well in math. Client has difficulty reading. The clients mother reports client as stupid and not ever amounting to anything. Client identifies one of her strengths as cooking. Client reports auditory and visual hallucinations in the form of vampires telling her you are one of us. Client fantasizes about being white, living rich and famous, and being saved from her current situation. E. Physical and Economic Environment The clients mother is unemployed and receives welfare of an unknown monthly amount. Clients mother has custody of clients first child in order to receive aide on that child. Client attended public school until suspended and will be attending Each One Teach One. In the evenings, client cooks and cleans for the household. Client describes her mothers day as a beached whale lying on the couch. Client states her mother eats, watch T.V., eats, watch T.V. The client and mother live in a two bedroom apartment, rent unknown, in Harlem. Client describes the neighborhood as the ghetto and consumed with crack heads. The clients apartment building is sprayed with graffiti. Americans visualize the ghetto as where the black people live representing a poor, susceptible to crime, drug-infected and violent part of the city (Anderson, 2012). The client defines her neighborhood as the ghetto due to drug activity and crime. F. Current Social Functioning 1. Family Situation. The client and mother live in apartment together. The clients mother has custody of the clients first born child and claims that child for welfare purposes, although the child actually lives with clients grandmother. The clients father previously lived in the home with client and mother prior to moving out. Clients relationship with her mother is volatile. The clients mother reported she should have aborted her. Client cooks for her mother, cleans the home, and runs errands for her mother when needed. Client fantasizes of wanting to be on the cover of a magazine or in a music video. Client has current and past history of sexual and physical abuse. Client was raped by her father. The clients first child, and the second child she is pregnant with, are products of rape by the clients father. The clients mother is aware of the rape of the client by her father but blames the client for taking my man. The clients mother also blames the client for clients father moving out of the house. The clients mother also admitted to sexually abusing client, stating who was going to please me. Client has also experienced physical abuse at the hands of her mother. The clients mother has slapped her and thrown a frying pan towards her head. The clients mother is verbally abusive calling client names such as bitch, whore, good for nothing and stupid. 2. Current Sexual/Emotional Relationship. Client reports never having a boyfriend but wishes she had a light skin boyfriend with nice hair. 3. Occupational/School Situation. Client has been suspended from public school and referred to Each One Teach One, an alternative school, due to her second pregnancy. Client enjoys math and does well in math, as reported by her math teacher. Client has difficulty reading and tested at a second grade reading level. Client has difficulty with her peers as evidenced by clients physical aggression towards peers, i.e., slapping, punching, and cursing at her peers. Client has obedient relationships towards teachers and principal as evidenced by following directions without defiance. 4. Other Social Relationships and Social Roles and Satisfaction. Client reports never having a boyfriend and does not have any friends. Client takes pride in being a mother but is not able to be a mother to her first child due to her own mother not allowing her child to live in their home because of the childs developmental disability. Client has expressed wanting to get her child back. Client does not currently attend a church but fantasizes of participating in the church choir. For generations, African Americans have used spirituality and religion as a crucial instrument for survival (Boyd-Franklin, 2006). One role of the African American church is to act as a refuge, as a sanctuary in an often times unfriendly world (Boyd-Franklin, 2010). Although client does not currently attend church, in her fantasies, she finds the church as a safe place from her negative and hostile environment. 5. Medical/Psychological. Client is pregnant with her second child. Clients first pregnancy resulted in a female with developmental disabilities. At time of clients referral to Each One Teach One, client had not yet seen a doctor for her second pregnancy. Client found out from her mother her father passed away from AIDS and client tested positive for HIV. Clients mother refuses to be tested for HIV because she believes she has not contracted the disease because she and clients father did not engage in anal sex. 6. Legal Issues. Client does not have any legal issues at this time. G. Personal and Family History relevant to current focus Client was born in November 1971 in Harlem. Mother reported client would sleep in the bed with her and the clients father. Client was bottle fed as a baby, as clients father would drink the breast milk from clients mothers breast. The clients mother reported client was three years old at the time of her first sexual abuse by her father. Client has experienced sexual abuse by her father and mother, and physical and verbal abuse from her mother. Individuals who are of lower economic status are more likely to experience traumatic events, and African Americans are more likely to be of lower socioeconomic status (Gapen et al., 2011). Clients mother reports there is no alcohol or substance use in the home. II. Assessment Psychological Functioning The clients intellectual functioning is at a moderate level as evidenced by grammatically incorrect language and a second grade reading level. In terms of the clients psychological functioning, her ego functions are moderately compromised. The egos ability to unify and combine mental processes is called ego functions (Berzoff, Flanagan, Hertz, 2011). Reality testing is the egos ability to recognize and agree with physical and social reality. The most important aspect of this function is the ability to tell the difference between internal reality and external reality (Berzoff, Flanagan, Hertz, 2011). The clients function of reality testing is compromised at times, as evidenced by auditory and visual hallucinations and retreats to her fantasy world. The clients ego function of controlling impulses is also compromised, as evidenced by aggressiveness towards peers. The egos attempt to maintain an accurate level of positive self-worth in the face of stressful or aggravating circumstances is self-esteem regulation (Berzoff, Flanagan, Herzt, 2011). The clients self-esteem could be defined as low due to physical, sexual, and verbal abuse. The clients low self-esteem can be seen through her fantasies of wanting to be someone else, e.g White, famous. Defense mechanisms guard the self from danger, actual or perceived (Berzoff, Flanagan, Hertz, 2011). In terms of defense mechanisms, the clients defense mechanisms could be classified as immature. The clients immature defense of dissociation, where a painful memory is detached from the feeling, is evidenced by the clients fantasies of herself leading a different life (Berzoff, Flanagan, Hertz, 2011). B. Emotional Functioning Between nine and twelve months of age children begin to develop Internal Working Models to characterize emotions and expectations resulting from interactions and communication between infant and caregiver (Riggs, 2010). Consistent with the notion emotional abuse negatively impacts Internal Working Models and the ability to regulate affect, research suggests emotional abuse places children at risk for poor self-concept and disorders of emotional regulation and impulse control (Riggs, 2010). In regards to the clients emotional functioning, her limited range of emotional expression and poor impulse control are demonstrated by her use of aggression and anger towards peers. The clients negative coping responses can be seen through her fantasies, as she cannot verbally express how she is feeling. According to attachment theory, insecure attachment styles are used because they are adaptive in relation to the behavioral responses of their attachment figure (Riggs, 2010). One type of insecure attachment pattern is disorganized attachment. Disorganized attachment can be connected to child abuse, lack of resolution to trauma or loss by parent, and maternal frightening behavior and psychopathology (Riggs, 2010). The clients attachment pattern can be classified as disorganized due to her experience of sexual abuse, by her mother and father, and physical abuse, by her mother. The clients disorganized attachment can also be attributed to her mothers lack of support in regards to her sexual abuse by her father, i.e., blaming the client for the abuse. Evidence of clients insecure attachment in early childhood can also be seen, currently, through clients dismissiveness, i.e., that she takes care of her mother despite the abuse, low self-concept (Berzoff, Flanagan, Hertz, 2011). C. Social/Behavioral Functioning Attachment insecurity, due to emotionally abusive parenting, adds to poor social functioning. In early attachment relationships, children begin to develop the skills needed to build future social relationships, such as self-awareness, empathy, negotiation, and conflict resolution. The security of attachment influences many areas of interpersonal relationships, including effectiveness in peer groups, reciprocity in relationships, empathy, problem solving, conflict resolution, and establishing close and intimate relationships with peers (Riggs, 2010). The clients social isolation, as evidenced by her lack of peer group, demonstrates the clients insecure attachment with caregivers. The clients lack of distrust in peers and adults is displayed through clients aggressive behaviors. D. Environmental Issues and Constraints Affecting the Situation The client lives in a neighborhood in which she would consider the ghetto. Client lives with her mother, although the relationship is unstable. Children with a very insecure attachment to their mothers are more likely than other children to live in high-risk families and environments (Kwako, Knoll, Putnam, Trickett, 2010). The client has experienced sexual, physical, and verbal abuse from her caregivers. African American families experience higher rates of poverty than families of other races. Living in poverty increases the risk of exposure to trauma and trauma is found more often in African American populations (Graves, Kaslow, Frabutt, 2010). The clients turbulent home environment, unsafe neighborhood, and lack of social supports and resources exacerbates clients distrust in others, social isolation, and negative self-concept. E. Motivation and Commitment to Services The clients mother does not support client attending school and would rather client take welfare services. Despite the clients mothers lack of support, the client is motivated to attend school to continue her education and be a positive mother for her children. F. Workers Understanding of Clients Presenting Situation/Problem The client is a sixteen year old, African-American teenage mother of two. The client has experienced severe childhood sexual trauma by her mother and father. The clients two pregnancies are results of sexual abuse from the clients father. The client lacks emotional support from her mother and is often ridiculed by her mother in terms of her appearance, intellectual functioning and overall being. Emotional abuse in the attachment relationship significantly increases the likelihood of developing insecure attachment, which is proven to be linked to low empathy and reciprocity, hostility or aggression and impulsivity, exploitation or ridicule by peers, social withdrawal or exclusion from group activities, and general patterns of un-relatedness and isolation (Riggs, 2010). The client lacks any type of social support from peers and, often times, interactions with peers result in aggressive confrontation. Clients distrust in peers and adults is evidenced by lack of nurturing relationships. Up to this point, client has not accessed community resources. Previous experience with racism frequently prevents African Americans from accessing assistance and/or services from organizations which historically have safeguarded Caucasians (Graves, Kaslow, Frabutt, 2010). Clients mother is distrusting of community institutions which may lead to clients inability to access support. According to attachment theory, a child forms representational models, i.e., internal working models, of attachment figures, of the self, and of self-in-relation to others based on their relationship with primary caregivers. When a childs caregiver responds in a sensitive, loving, and consistent manner, a working model of other as loving, reliable, and supportive is internalized. On the other hand, experiencing emotional abuse and neglect may instill damaging beliefs about the self, e.g., I am stupid, I am not worthy of attention, which may result in maladaptive models of self, other, and self in-relation to others. Instead of developing a working model of the self as worthy of love and attention, negative models of the self as worthless, incompetent, or powerless may result (Wright, Crawford, Castillo, 2009). Due to the clients mothers unstable and inconsistent caregiving patterns, client has developed a low concept of self, as evidenced by the clients feelings of unworthiness to h ave or accept any type of relationships. Although the client has experienced severe childhood trauma, insecure attachments with caregivers, and family and community instability, the client appears to be moderately resilient. Resilience refers to patterns of positive adaptation during or following major adversity or risk (Lopez Snyder, 2011). Faced with two pregnancies, unsupportive and abusive caregivers, and lack of social support, the client continues to be motivated to pursue her education, regain custody of her first child, and become a caring and loving mother to her children. III. Evidenced Based Practice Search This author began the search using the Google Scholar search engine with the term psychodynamic treatment for female African American adolescents of sexual abuse. This search yielded articles related to interventions for substance abuse. The same search term was used again but the term intervention was exchanged for the term treatment. This search yielded articles on cognitive behavioral interventions. This author then moved to using the search engine PsyhInfo. Terms including psychodynamic treatment, psychodynamic intervention, African American, adolescent and sexual abuse were again interchanged to aide in the search. This author then added the term sexual abuse survivor to the search. This search began to yield interventions related to psychodynamic interventions. This author began finding articles related to psychodynamic groups as a psychodynamic intervention. Continuing to use the PsychInfo search engine, this author then used search terms psychodynamic groups, adolescents, sexual abuse survivor and African American. This author was able to yield articles related to psychodynamic groups. This author then moved to using the University of Southern California Library to continue the search. This author again used the terms psychodynamic groups, adolescents, sexual abuse survivor and African American to yield further articles in regards to psychodynamic groups. This author was able to accumulate six articles in regards to psychodynamic group intervention. Overall, this author found it extremely difficult to find, in the literature, psychodynamic interventions specific to African American adolescents who have experienced sexual abuse. IV. Intervention Plan In the first years of childhood, the family is responsible for the care and development of the child. In healthy families, children learn they can depend of their environment to provide emotional security and physical safety. Children then gain behaviors which allow them to nurture their own emotional and physical health free from parents or caregivers. Poor health also can develop early in life. Children who live in families with characteristics such as family conflict, i.e., frequent episodes of anger or aggression, and lack of nurturing, i.e., relationships which are cold, unsupportive, and neglectful, can have negative consequences on mental and physical health (Repetti, Taylor, Seeman, 2002). Unfortunately, due to clients exposure to an abusive and un-nurturing environment, she has developed poor mental health, as seen by her moderate level of defense mechanisms, poor self-concept and lack of support. Due to the clients insecure attachment with caregivers, which has led to lack of support and untrusting nature to others, the intervention employed will be psychodynamic group psychotherapy. Because of clients young age, client will be more suitable for time limited psychodynamic group psychotherapy, which occurs between twelve and thirty sessions (Wise, 2009). The format used for psychodynamic group psychotherapy is verbal. The basis of the group should be to feel and talk, rather than act. Because it is a psychodynamic therapy, the therapist should wait for the group interactions to occur freely and then comment when appropriate (Wise, 2009). During the process of psychodynamic group psychotherapy, the therapist will attempt not to set agendas but follow the suggestions of the group. The belief is the group process will eventually lead to the most emotionally charged subjects if allowed to proceed without interruption. The therapist in the psychodynamic group psychotherapy session will attend to the group and individual members based on how the session begins (Rutan, 1992). The implementation of the psychodynamic group psychotherapy intervention is community based, therefore the client will need to access community organizations to utilize the treatment intervention. As previously noted, the client has not accessed community resources thus far. Another hurdle the client will have to overcome in order to maximize optimum results from the psychodynamic group psychotherapy intervention is a proper match to therapist leading the group and participation. Because client is untrusting of other others it may be difficult to engage client in group psychotherapy process. A therapist who creates an environment of acceptance, understanding and trust, and provides empathy and responsiveness will have a better chance of keeping and engaging challenging members (Gans Counselman, 2010). The goal of psychodynamic group psychotherapy is to make aware parts of the unconscious which result in negative distortions in present day perceptions (Rutan, 1992). Furthermore, goals of treatment are to assist in overcoming resistance to experiencing, expressing and understanding emotion. The psychodynamic group psychotherapy model allows for resolving the tension between suppression of emotions and explosiveness. The group format also allows for members to work together to manage and contain feelings (Wise, 2009). This aspect of psychodynamic group psychotherapy will be beneficial to client, as she has difficulty expressing her emotions, as evidenced by aggression towards peers. Although the client will gain emotional regulation skills through the psychodynamic group psychotherapy intervention, this will not be her main treatment goal. Psychodynamic group psychotherapy is also another way for individuals to interact within a system of relationships. This is beneficial due to most presenting problems having a relational context. Allowing individuals to interact and then reflect gives the individual the opportunity to use the group as a place to observe and change patterns (Wise, 2009). The client has expressed a desire to have safe, nurturing and loving relationships with others, but due to low self-concept does not feel worthy of such relationships. The clients goal for psychodynamic group psychotherapy will be to increase number of quality relationships from zero to at least two by the conclusion of the group sessions. The clients relationships will be measured by her own self-report, as well as therapist observations of her interactions and relationships with fellow members of the group and development of social skills. The catalyst for change in psychodynamic group psychotherapy includes change by imitation, i.e, learning by observing others, identification, i.e., unconsciously taking on traits or characteristics of others, and internalization. The therapeutic process develops using confrontation, explanation, interpretation and working through (Wise, 2009). Additionally, other therapeutic aspects which are addressed include support, self-revelation, learning, and self-understanding, with interpersonal learning as the utmost important (Wise, 2009). Because the client has developed negative internal working models, due to insecure attachment with caregivers, i.e. mother and father, the interactions with others in the group setting may begin to assist client in developing higher self-concept and more nurturing relationships. V. Discussion, Analysis and Rationale for Interventions Chosen Psychodynamic group psychotherapy was chosen as the intervention for the client due to her experience of sexual abuse by caregivers. Time limited, as well as ongoing psychodynamic group psychotherapy has been effective in treating women with a history of sexual abuse, due to the opportunity for the individual to reduce the feelings of isolation, guilt, and shame. An individual is able to effectively work through feelings when the individual is able to share their experience in a therapeutic environment comprised of compassion and acceptance. The psychodynamic group psychotherapy process provides an individual with the ability to incorporate a new object experience without devaluation or ridicule, while at the same time abandoning previous attachments which were associated with the original event and emotion (Nusbaum, 2000). When an individual is abused, the person tends to identify with the unloving, aggressive, and immoral characteristics of the superego rather than the gentle, loving and protective characteristics. The individual may interpret the caregivers failure to nurture and protect adequately as a sign they are unworthy and unlovable (Nusbaum, 2010). Evidence of these characteristics can be seen in the clients low self-concept and feelings of unworthiness to have any type of relationship. Within the psychodynamic group psychotherapy process, the group can demonstrate appropriate levels of protectiveness, love and concern to its members. Negative feelings often experienced by individuals with sexual abuse can often be eased through disclosure of the traumatic experience. The group can then provide corrective superego functions by not allowing its members to blame themselves for the experience, which may have been unavoidable and not their fault (Nusbaum, 2000). Psychodynamic group psychotherapy also deepens the alliance between group members and facilitates the development of relationships which can be observed and analyzed in the context of interpersonal fears and roadblocks. Furthermore, in psychodynamic group psychotherapy individuals can identify interpersonal conflicts and work through primary defense structures which are run by fears of trusting. Additionally, because abuse and neglect tend to occur in dysfunctional families, by successfully working through emotional conflict the psychodynamic group offers the opportunity for interpersonal learning and development of social skills, which are usually not modeled in dysfunctional homes (Nusbaum, 2000). This author is unable to implement the psychodynamic group psychotherapy intervention with the client but can visualize how the intervention would unfold with the client. In the first sessions this author would attempt to create a trusting, nurturing and safe environment where client would feel she could engage in the group process and share personal experience. According to psychodynamic theory, personality is formed developmentally. In this model each stage of development builds on the previous stage and each stage affects the following one. It is important to note in the therapeutic process, defects in earlier developmental stages can be corrected if that stage can be recalled, relieved and be affectively re-experienced and corrected in the here and now (Rutan, 1992). It will be pivotal for the clients treatment for her to share feelings, emotions and past experiences in order facilitate positive transformation. This author would predict the client would be difficult to engage initially due to her mistrust in others and feelings of unworthiness. After consistent nurturing, accepting, trusting and safe experiences in the psychodynamic group, this author would see the client begin to engage in the group process. Once the client begins to share personal experiences, feelings and emotions this author would utilize a specific intervention, the here and now. The here and now technique would allow this author to use the clients past experience to understand and explain occasions when she unconsciously repeats the past or misperceives the present based on what she has learned in the past (Rutan, 1992). This technique would allow self-learning and self-understanding in regards to how her past abuse and neglect as affected her current relationships. This author expects transference will likely surface in the therapeutic process with the client. Transference can be defined as the misrepresentation of present object relationships on the basis of early object relationships (Rutan, 1992). Transference will be beneficial in the therapeutic process with the client. It will allow for this author to gather information and explore the nature of early relationships based on the characteristics the client transfers on to this author (Rutan, 1992). Through the psychodynamic group psychotherapy process the clients main goal will to be to form quality, nurturing and trusting relationships. Relationships are important in forming personality, causing psychopathology, and curing psychiatric symptoms. As individuals develop in the psychodynamic group they are forming important relationships and, while doing so, every part of their character is emerging. Individuals reveal their defense mechanisms and transferences while, in turn, receiving feedback from the therapist and other members. There may not be any other therapeutic process where so much data is available to an individual about themselves as in psychodynamic group psychotherapy (Rutan, 1992).